The Crawdaddy magazine May 1967 based in NYC- no relation to the West London night club started in 1962 but equally as pioneering. In the field of journalism and format it has set the tone for some of the most respected music magazines around today.
The photographs in this article were taken by Linda Eastman (later know as Mrs Linda McCartney) on board the SS Sea Panther at New York Marina. Quite a few journalists heard that Linda was shooting the scruffy Brits on an exclusive junket and rushed down to the dockside. She was offered just a few dollars for these images on what was one of her very first band shoots. The photographs were taken in colour but the format of Crawdaddy magazine worked in black & white.
There is also a great write up on legendary R&B artist Junior Wells if you haven't heard his "Stomach Ache" yet - give it a listen.
Junior Wells (Stomach Ache)