Soho London 1985

Soho London 1985


Amazing isn't it,  a peep show for 50p! you can't even get a polystyrene cup of stewed tea at church hall jumble sale for 50 pence these days.

This has to be one of the best mod revival images around. its been used in tons of zines internationally.  The photograph was taken by Caron Malcolm in 1985 and it was only 'published' in 2015 in the Paul Hallam Odds & Sods book published by See-W.  One element to consider at the tail end of revival period was the rise of casuals and skinheads the violence between these groups was rife, its not that easy to scrap in a raincoat and Italian loafers, so credit due to this team for flying the flag.

I asked Dave Edwards one of the guys in the shot (standing under the word lovely- theres a joke there somewhere) for some insight on the photograph:

Paul Hallam had an idea to do an up to date version of Richard Barnes Mods book, so had started to take photos on his Olympus Trip, loaded with black & white film. 

".......So early one Sunday morning a few Sneakers regulars gathered in Soho around 7.30am when it would be fairly quiet. There were a few photos taken outside the old Marquee on Wardour Street and a few alleyways nearby while the main shot was taken on Brewer Street beside the Paul Raymond Revue Bar and the alley that leads to Berwick Street.

Among the group are: Joeli Dale, Tony Schokman, Jim Masters, Tony Chandler, Dave Distin, Jon and Greg from Woking, Mark Lusty, Vicky & Paul Hallam and myself looking like I’m asleep!  The book  eventually appeared a couple of years ago as Odds and Sods and what amazes me is the fact that most of the people involved are still in touch with each other and even though they may not regard themselves as mods, they still hold it very dear to them."


Anglozine odds and sods Mods 1985



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