Winter Whites

Winter Whites

We are not sure where our fascination of winter whites came from. There was the Action Man Christmas gift in 1981 with his tactical white commando ski get up. This combined with The Heroes of Telemark film on the telly that very same festive season.  The cosmic alignment of these two elements could have jolted something- the exact origin is a mystery.

1999 picking up Marc Bolan Johns Children 7” records at Bleeker Bobs in NYC whilst simultaneously wearing white jeans (after memorial day). That same Big Apple trip seeing an almost completely hard as nails winter white Helmut Lang collection at the labels 93 Mercer street flagship shop. 

Grandads fascination with Cab Calloway mooching about effortlessly in white, Martin ‘Marty’ Hopkirk has got to be the most suave ghosts ever. The cappuccino kids lot “It didn’t matter” EP cover white tacked to my Magnolia bedroom wall through teenagedom.  Even E.T looked chic in that white towel perched up front on the Kuwara BMX. 

 Not sure where it comes from, but you can’t have a bad day in winter white.


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